Frequently Asked Questions
Please click on the relevant link below to answer your question
1. Where will the sessions occur?
The sessions will occur at Enterprise House, Wrest Park, Silsoe. They occur in a quiet therapy room which shares a joint waiting area for other therapy rooms. I am also able to offer you 'walk and talk' or Skype sessions, if preferred, over a clinic setting. This is something that can be explored more following our first contact.
2. What happens when I/We first come to the clinic?
When you come to the clinic on your first session, I will greet you at the door to Enterprise House where the therapy session takes place. If you are a bit early, it may be that I ask you to take a seat in the waiting area until our session time so that you can complete a contact sheet etc. Once it is your appointment time, I will greet you in the waiting area and show you to the therapy room where I will of course, answer any questions you may still have about the therapy process. This will most likely lead us into thinking about what you want from therapy and considering about how I may be best able to support this. If you decide to go ahead with further sessions we can work out a regular time slot that is mutually convenient.
3. What is a typical session like?
A therapy session varies from person to person and session to session, however a typical session will usually involve you talking to me about things you that are important to you and related to why you have come to see me. I will ask some gentle questions to help us get a better understanding of things and then maybe share some ideas about what may be happening for you. It is also likely that, during the session, we come up with some ideas together about things that you can try to help you make small changes in your life. We can then review these and think about whether these actions were helpful or not in the next session. A session can be in person or via Skype, if requested in advance.
4. How will we measure progress?
How we measure progress will depend on what we are working on together to change. If, for example, we are working to help you, or someone you care for, feel less depressed or less anxious, at the start of our work together we will think about what feeling less depressed or less anxious may personally mean for you (i.e. what you would like to be different) and set some therapy goals around this. We may also use some standardised scales to help us think about and measure change.
I will also check with you regularly in your sessions about how you feel things are going. This will include thinking with you about whether or not you feel you are making progress and, if this is not the case why we feel that this may be so and what we can do to change this.
5. How long will I/we be attending psychology sessions?
The length of time that someone spends attending psychology sessions is completely up to them. It varies from person to person and problem to problem. It is usually the case that when someone feels that they have met their goals for therapy, they decide that it is also the right time to end therapy. However, sometimes people decided that they would like to continue with therapy to work on a different issue. So the true answer to this's up to you.
6. How are risk issues managed?
When you first come to see me, I will ask you to complete a short form that requests you to provide me with some information about your contact details, your next of kin (i.e. who to contact in an emergency) and also your GP. I will also ask for your permission to contact either your Next of Kin or your GP if I have any concerns regarding the safety of either yourself or anyone else.
7. What if I want someone to come to the session with me?
If you want to bring someone into your first session, I am very happy to accommodate this, as it can sometimes feels quite difficult to visit a health professional that you have not met before on your own. After this session, we can talk about the pros and cons of you having someone else in your session and make a joint decision based on this discussion. From experience, I am aware that with individual therapy, it is often helpful to do this on a 1:1 so that people can feel comfortable to say whatever they want and need to without the worry that it might be judged or cause upset to the other person in the room. If however, you feel that it would be helpful to do some joint working with another person, we can also explore this as a therapy option for you.
8. How do I manage payment for the sessions?
Other than your first appointment, I ask that you pay for each session in advance. It is often easier if you pay for your next session at the beginning / end of each session. If you prefer, however, you are also able to make an electronic transfer at least 48 hours prior to your next session. Alternatively, you can choose to pay for a group of sessions (i.e. in one payment) prior to the start of a block of sessions. For more information about session fees, please go the ‘Fees’ page.
9. What happens if I can't come to a session?
I completely understand that sometimes people need to cancel sessions or are unable to make them for various reasons. I therefore ask that, to prevent me from needing to hire a room when I am not seeing anyone, where possible, you make contact with me at least 48 hours in advance so that I may cancel the room booking. Please refer to the Fees page for further details regarding cancellation fees and refunds. If you are unable to attend a session in person, it may be that I can offer it via Skype instead, if requested in advance.
10. What if I have any other questions?
If you have any other questions that I have not answered on this page or on the rest of the website, please do not hesitate to contact me as I would be happy to talk to you about them. You can contact me by either telephone: 07913 047 891 or email